MapStore Training

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Configuring the System

Here you will find a set of zip compressed packages containing the complete environment for MapStore and the training. The current available version of the MapStore training is 32 bit; download and extract to your local hard drive.


The zip package ships an embedded pre installed JRE 6 version, using those packages you implicitly accept this license. For more details ref here


  1. Windows 32 Bit

Package structure and contents

  1. README.txt

    Contains legal notes

  2. data

    Contains all the data used for the demo, plugins and the GWC data.

  3. geoserver_data

    The GeoServer data dir.

  4. geostore_data

    The directory that contains all the GeoStore configuration files.

  5. src

    Contains all the MapStore sources for this training.

  6. setenv.bat

    Used by most of the script to setup the environment, To change the used java version, the geoserver data dir and most of the other environment settings, edit this file.

  7. jdk

    The embedded java.

  8. postgres

    The standalone PostgreSQL-9.2 + PostGIS-2.0 installation folder (contains the ‘data’ directory with the databases).

  9. pgAdmin.bat

    Starts the PostgreSQL PgAdmin III admin interface.

  10. postgis_setup.bat

    Optional script to recreate the postgres database. (uses setenv.bat).

  11. postgis_start.bat

    Starts the postgres server (uses setenv.bat).

  12. postgis_stop.bat

    Stops the postgres server (uses setenv.bat).

  13. tomcat-6.0.36

    Contains two differents instances of tomcat.

  14. tomcat_start_1.bat

    Starts the first tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat)

  15. tomcat_start_2.bat

    Starts the second tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat)

  16. tomcat_stop_1.bat

    Stops the first tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat)

  17. tomcat_stop_2.bat

    Stops the second tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat)

  18. udig

    Contains the udig standalone installation

  19. udig.bat

    Starts uDig

As you can see this package contains all that you need to have a fully functional environment to run MapStore, GeoServer, GIS tools and clients on your datasets.


postgis_setup should never be used. If postgres database fails to work, then the postgres directory inside the training must be manually removed and then postgis_setup must be launched.