.. module:: mapstore.system_config :synopsis: Learn how to configure the system. .. mapstore.system_config: Configuring the System ++++++++++++++++++++++ `Here `__ you will find a set of zip compressed packages containing the complete environment for MapStore and the training. The current available version of the MapStore training is 32 bit; download and extract to your local hard drive. .. note:: The zip package ships an embedded pre installed JRE 6 version, using those packages you implicitly accept `this `__ license. For more details ref `here `__ Download ======== #. `Windows 32 Bit `__ Package structure and contents ============================== #. **README.txt** Contains legal notes #. **data** Contains all the data used for the demo, plugins and the GWC data. #. **geoserver_data** The GeoServer data dir. #. **geostore_data** The directory that contains all the GeoStore configuration files. #. **src** Contains all the MapStore sources for this training. #. **setenv.bat** Used by most of the script to setup the environment, To change the used java version, the geoserver data dir and most of the other environment settings, edit this file. #. **jdk** The embedded java. #. **postgres** The standalone PostgreSQL-9.2 + PostGIS-2.0 installation folder (contains the 'data' directory with the databases). #. **pgAdmin.bat** Starts the PostgreSQL PgAdmin III admin interface. #. **postgis_setup.bat** Optional script to recreate the postgres database. (uses setenv.bat). #. **postgis_start.bat** Starts the postgres server (uses setenv.bat). #. **postgis_stop.bat** Stops the postgres server (uses setenv.bat). #. **tomcat-6.0.36** Contains two differents instances of tomcat. #. **tomcat_start_1.bat** Starts the first tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat) #. **tomcat_start_2.bat** Starts the second tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat) #. **tomcat_stop_1.bat** Stops the first tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat) #. **tomcat_stop_2.bat** Stops the second tomcat instance (uses setenv.bat) #. **udig** Contains the udig standalone installation #. **udig.bat** Starts uDig As you can see this package contains all that you need to have a fully functional environment to run MapStore, GeoServer, GIS tools and clients on your datasets. .. warning:: **postgis_setup** should never be used. If *postgres database* fails to work, then the postgres directory inside the training must be manually removed and then **postgis_setup** must be launched.