GeoNetwork setup

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Upgrading GeoNetwork

GeoNetwork updates will come in the form of new geonetwork.war files.

Usually upgrading to a new minor release is simply a matter of cleaning the Tomcat webapps/ directory.

  1. Stop Apache Tomcat

  2. Backup your DB

  3. Backup webapps/geonetwork/, especially if you didn’t externalize the data directory

  4. Cleanup:

    • remove the file webapps/geonetwork.war
    • remove the exploded webapps/geonetwork/ directory.
    • In case you externalized the data dir, remove the Wro4j cache files (<DATA_DIR>/wro4j-cache.h2.db)
  5. Copy the new geonetwork.war file in webapps

  6. Run tomcat to expand the war file, or expand it by hand:

    cd webapps
    mkdir geonetwork
    cd geonetwork
    jar xf ../geonetwork.war
  7. Repeat the changes for non-externalizable files, such as:

  8. For non-externalized data dir, restore the data directory (webapps/geonetwork/WEB-INF/data/) from the backup done in one of the first steps.

  9. Restart Apache Tomcat