.. _geonetwork_maintenance: ########### Maintenance ########### .. _geonetwork_upgrade: Upgrading GeoNetwork ==================== GeoNetwork updates will come in the form of new ``geonetwork.war`` files. Usually upgrading to a new minor release is simply a matter of cleaning the Tomcat ``webapps/`` directory. #. Stop Apache Tomcat #. Backup your DB #. Backup ``webapps/geonetwork/``, especially if you didn't externalize the data directory #. Cleanup: - remove the file ``webapps/geonetwork.war`` - remove the exploded ``webapps/geonetwork/`` directory. - In case you externalized the data dir, remove the Wro4j cache files (``/wro4j-cache.h2.db``) #. Copy the new ``geonetwork.war`` file in ``webapps`` #. Run tomcat to expand the war file, or expand it by hand:: cd webapps mkdir geonetwork cd geonetwork jar xf ../geonetwork.war #. Repeat the changes for non-externalizable files, such as: - Enable INSPIRE view ( :ref:`gn_setup_inspire_view`) - Enable INSPIRE CSS ( :ref:`gn_setup_inspire_css`) - Update log file location ( :ref:`gn_setup_log_file_location`) #. For non-externalized data dir, restore the data directory (``webapps/geonetwork/WEB-INF/data/``) from the backup done in one of the first steps. #. Restart Apache Tomcat