MapStore Training

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Introduction to MapStore Templates

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Create your own Template

This section illustrates how you create a custom template for MapStore.

Edit a template

A template file has been created to create your custom template Open the following file with a text editor:


and add the following javascript


        var app;

        // Proxy
        var proxy="/http_proxy/proxy?url=";

        var onReady = function(){

            app = new GeoExplorer.Viewer({
                sources: {
                    google: {
                        ptype: "gxp_googlesource"
                    projection: "EPSG:900913",
                    units: "m",
                    layers: [{
                        source: "google",
                        title: "Google Hybrid",
                        name: "HYBRID",
                        group: "background"
                    center: [1250000.000000, 5370000.000000],
                    zoom: 5


save the file and open the web browser at:


Your custom mapstore view.


first of all, create the base variables for the main application (app) and set the proxy base address to allow cross origin requests:

var app;

// Proxy
var proxy="/http_proxy/proxy?url=";

The script in this page creates an instance of GeoExplorer.Viewer with some basic configuration:

sources: {
    google: {
        ptype: "gxp_googlesource"

Add google source to the list of available sources.:

    projection: "EPSG:900913",
    units: "m",
    layers: [{
        source: "google",
        title: "Google Hybrid",
        name: "HYBRID",
        group: "background"
    center: [1250000.000000, 5370000.000000],
    zoom: 5

These are the base settings of the map. Google projection, only one layer (Google Hibrid), coordinates of the center and initial zoom level.


The Google layer added to the map.


This is the base url of GeoStore.