MapManager Configuration
The MapManager configuration is a JavaScript Object with the essential properties to set:
- Requests base URL and proxy to GeoStore
- Basic requests URL parameters to manage paging and requests timeout.
- Locale settigs
- Social links settings for save Maps.
Configuration Options
- baseUrl:: Geostore URL (if empty http://<server>:<port>/geostore/rest/ is used).
- proxyUrl: Define the proxy URL to use for GeoStore requests.
- start: Specify the first visualized page inside the Maps List. By default to 0.
- limit: Specify the number of Maps per Page inide the Maps List. By default to 20.
- msmTimeout: This is the nember of milliseconds used to set the Ajax requests timeout. By default to 30000 (30 s).
- twitter: Configuration Object to set Twitter share button properties (via and hashtags by default).
- locales: Defines the set of languages that must be used for the MapManager (the first of the array is the default one). Currenlty on it, en, de and fr languages are supported in MapStore (more information about it in MapStore Translations section).
Below the default configuration user in MapStore for the MapManager:
var config = {
baseUrl: '',
proxyUrl: '/http_proxy/proxy/',
start: 0,
limit: 20,
msmTimeout: 30000,
twitter: {
via: 'geosolutions_it',
hashtags: ''
locales: [['en', 'English'],['it','Italiano'],['fr','Franch'],['de','Deutsch']]