.. module:: mapstore.buildconfig :synopsis: Manage Build Configuration .. _mapstore.buildconfig: Manage Build Configuration ========================== | When building MapStore all the plugins and widget used are merged together in a single file. | To specify which components to add in the build, a `buildjs.cfg` is used. | The `buildjs.cfg` has a list of every plugin, widget or library to look for when building The `buildjs.cfg` file is placed in the root directory of either `mapcomposer` and `mapmanager` :: ../mapstore/ mapcomposer buildjs.cfg mapmanager buildjs.cfg In the following example we will add the `Geolocate` plugin to the build file #. | The `Geolocate` plugin uses an OpenLayers Control, also called `Geolocate` that must be included in the build file as well | Open the `buildjs.cfg` file and find the **[OpenLayers.js]** section #. After the `include=` line add the following :: OpenLayers/Control/Geolocate.js #. In the same file find the **[gxp.js]** section and, again, under the `include=` line add the following :: plugins/Geolocate.js #. Now the `Geolocate` plugin will be available in the MapStore build and can be instantiated in the config file with :: { "ptype":"gxp_geolocate", "enableTracking" : false, "layerName": "Position", "bind": true, "zoom": true, "displayInLayerSwitcher": false, "geolocationStyles": { "pointStyle":{ "graphicName": "circle", "strokeColor": "#aaa", "fillColor": "#11f", "strokeWidth": 2, "fillOpacity": 0.7, "strokeOpacity": 0.6, "pointRadius": 5 },"auraStyle":{ "fillOpacity": 0.3, "fillColor": "#55b", "strokeColor": "#00f", "strokeOpacity": 0.6 }, "geolocationOptions": { "enableHighAccuracy": true, "maximumAge": 0, "timeout": 7000 } }, "actionTarget":{ "target":"paneltbar", "index": 22 } } Please refer to the :ref:`Manage Viewer Configuration` section for more information