======================= ImageI/O-Ext Deployment ======================= 1. Make sure all the imageio-ext jars you need are on the classpath of your application 2. Download the proper GDAL Native libraries (depending on your System) and extract them on your disk. 2a. If you are on Windows, make sure that the GDAL DLL files are on your PATH (by adding an entry to the PATH environment variable referring to the folder where the native libs have been deployed). Note that multiple DLLs versions available on different location on your PATH's machine may cause loading issues. Usually, you can extract DLLs on your JDK/bin folder. When done, you could run "gdalinfo --version" to check the native libs installation. In order to enable the third party external plugins (as an instance, MrSID), you should run the msi installer and deploy the additional libs on the same folder where your main native libs have been previously installed. Finally, make sure to configure a GDAL_DRIVER_PATH environment variable referring to the path where these libs have been installed. 2b. If you are on Linux, make sure to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to refer to the folder where the SOs have been extracted. (Typical uses are extracting SOs on your java JDK in the /jre/lib/i386 (Linux32) or /jre/lib/amd64 (linux64) subfolders). When done, you could "cd" to the folder where they have been extracted and run "./gdalinfo --version" to check the native libs installation. 3. Download the GDAL CRS Definitions (gdal-data.zip) archive and extract them on your disk. Make sure to set a GDAL_DATA environment variable to the folder where you have extracted the files.